The VASARI project sets the latest innovations in digital technologies to radically change activities of appreciation, enjoyment and management of artworks, for both museums and open-air sites.
VASARI builds a new cultural space in which the physical spaces of museums and historical sites with their patrimony of works are integrated into the digital space of Cultural and interconnected content and services in a multi-site logic.
The visitor and the works are at the center of this space where knowledge, enjoyment and participation of citizens and tourists is encouraged, while the management, the enhancement and the cooperation of cultural institutions is facilitated.
On the basis of this new approach, Vasari intends to maximize the social and economic impacts linked to the enhancement of the artistic patrimony. The artwork becomes a powerful social aggregator and the visitor is involved in his own process of knowledge that controls directly himself and continues to develop incrementally thanks to the multiplicity of sites and museums interconnected by Vasari.
What we did
Technology development

Segmentation in museums is passed through the development of a digital platform in which data and cultural services have an organic and unifying organization.
The aims of Vasari in this area are as follows:
- Create new solutions aimed at strengthening and broadening knowledge and access to cultural heritage, encouraging the mobility of people for cultural purposes, creating also the premises for the development of a territorial economy linked to tourist flows;
- Create knowledge models and tools to assess the impact on cultural fruition;
- Experiencing models of citizen-artwork interaction to promote the sustainable development of the cultural economy open to small-medium-sized enterprises;
- Coordination and integration with Project initiatives addressing the theme of accessibility of cultural heritage content to a public with functional limitations;
- Proposing solutions with a very high degree of readiness for the market